How Do Drug Interventions Work?
Careful planning must go into drug interventions to ensure they have a powerful, positive effect on those being confronted about their addiction. Interventions that are poorly staged or executed can lead to heightened feelings of isolation, betrayal, and agitation in those suffering from addiction — leading to major setbacks in recovery. Here are the stages of a carefully planned drug intervention: 1.Form an intervention team that consists of family members and close friends affected by your loved one’s addiction and who are motivated to help your loved one become healthier and addiction-free. 2.Take time to learn more about your loved one’s addiction and about effective drug detox programs that can safely treat the addiction type, such as medical detox for opioid addiction . 3.Decide on consequences for your loved one in the event he refuses treatment, such as asking him to move out or revoking his access to your bank account. 4.Have every member of the intervention te...